Going Digital

Every game starts as nothing more than an idea. Taking that idea from just an idea to something tangible can be a long journey. For board games, one of the most important steps in that journey is playtesting. Index cards and paper are a great starting point, but sooner or later you’re going to need a more refined prototype and your game will inevitably need more iterations before it can be called complete. That is where digital playtesting comes in. Platforms like Tabletop Simulator can allow games like Atomic Edge to make changes to a game design and art more quickly. A digital version removes the costly need to reprint cards and opens up a broader pool of players.

Pros and Cons of Playtesting Digitally

Tabletop Simulator is essentially a video game that allows you to build and play board games and tabletop games. This platform (and others like it) is a lot of fun for playing games but can also open up the world of digital playtesting.

There are many pros and cons to playtesting digitally on software like Tabletop Simulator. As a game developer, playing digitally can make it difficult to read people’s reactions and body language while playing. Sometimes the unspoken things say more than words ever could. Also, some game devs might feel like a digital platform makes it harder to demonstrate something than it would be in real life. There is a bit of human disconnection with digital games.

In my opinion, the pros greatly outweigh the cons. It can be difficult to find people in the real world to playtest with in person. Digital playtesting opens up your potential player pool to the entire world. Digital playtesting also allows you to make rapid iterations on the fly. Any changes you might want to make could be done in near-real-time.

What to Expect

Atomic Edge in Tabletop Simulator has a scripted setup function that makes it quick and easy to get into the action.

Game territories will be randomized and placed on the table. Control these territories to gain Influence points and resources.

Atomic Edge Tabletop Simulator setup


Arsenal tokens are your military hardware pieces. Place them face down on your territories to keep them hidden from your opponents until it is time to strike.

Atomic Edge Arsenal Tokens

Action cards provide you with everything from resource boosts, extra help when attacked, or ways to foil your opponent’s efforts.

Atomic Edge Action Cards

United Nations cards come into play after someone uses a nuclear Arsenal token. These cards have either huge boosts for the victim or grave consequences for the attacker.

Atomic Edge United Nations cards

How to Participate

Atomic Edge is currently starting closed playtesting on Tabletop Simulator and is looking for playtesters! If you are a fan of history, strategy tabletop games, and want your voice heard in the game development process, you will be a perfect fit. Your feedback is invaluable to creating a polished game. You will need a Steam account and a copy of Tabletop Simulator. Other platforms coming soon!

Space is limited, so sign up today to be a part of the game development process!